Continua. A qualquer momento está aí à tua frente... Então já estás de novo a sorrir. Tal e qual como é. Continua

Friday, August 31, 2007


Inspira, expira, inspira, expira, inspira, expira

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Re construir

A grande questao sobre o que virá terá sempre conotado aquilo que é agora.
Necessidade de reconstruir.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

headmusic - #01

''she's so... heavy.'', by the beatles

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer Time...

Passear por este belo país à beira Mar plantado.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday, Monday...

Quando é que isto acabaaaa! Estou farto de reunioes de 2ª feira só a respirar ar.condicionado e a receber os raios de luz das lampadas flurescentes e comer sandes ao almoço para nao perder mais tempo enquanto se vai picando os pontos da agenda.

Quero fériassssssssss!


m i r e i a

Em todas as pessoas há sempre um lugar em que te sentes em casa.


Saturday, August 11, 2007


a alma demasiado desperta deixa por vezes o corpo de lado.

must remmember to eat.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Timming - Minimizar aquilo que fica por dizer

Resulta por vezes dificil encontrar espaço fisico-temporal onde se possa dar azo à partilha e exploraçao de ideias, sentimentos e emoçoes.

Num momento, por mais breve que seja, e que se sinta verdadeiramente que valha a pena nao se deve duvidar e dar o passo em frente, assumindo a necessidade de escutar e ser escutado.

Minimizar aquilo que fica por dizer.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Foi muito bom rever-te agora com o teu sedoso cabelo comprido...


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How are you Valencia? Long time no see

Foi bom regressar a outro sitio onde já vivi.
Passear pelas ruas arejadas com as suas palmeiras, o ar humido e quente, as belas e classicas fachadas.
Pelas ruas na mesma, as meninas barbies com o ultimo modelito arisco super maquilhadas e os meninos musculados metrosexualizados. Inclui pessoas de todas as idades

As senhoras e senhores aprumados deslizam o seu charme de outros tempos.

Continua igual a si, se bem que agora com a zona portuária e a marina bem tratadas.
Está finalmente mais virada para o mar, e nao tanto para os campos de laranjas ou arroz que fazem parte da sua historia.

Continuo a considerar uma cidade confortável para viver: nem muito grande, nem muito pequena, com um trafico automovel moderado e com espaços arejados e distancias faceis de percorrer, e onde tens acesso a tudo e uma vida diurna/noturna agradavel. Talvez nao tao bem em termos de oferta de eventos culturais ou musicais.

Continua também uma cidade em crescimento. Tentando ser mais Europeia, mais mediática em si (está anunciada novamente a proxima AMERICA´S CUP e o novo circuito urbano para F1), e as suas gentes ainda em fase de "metropolizaçao". Continuam a tentar marcar a sua diferença atravez de extravagancias. Ou será assim mesmo o seu caracter?
Talvez seja, basta estar presente nas festas do seu padroeiro S. José conhecidas por "Fallas" para perceber que adoram o ruido, o colorido, a roupa barroca e a ostentaçao.

De todos modos está a ser bom rever Valencia e quem cá conheci.


Monday, August 06, 2007

Zhang Huan - Expo In Madrid


Do pouco que estava exposto deu para ver que Zhang Huan mais do que um artista plástico é um artista performer, que interage e confronta os cenários, tempos e espaços que cria numa atmosfera densa.

Ever since the beginning of humanity till the present time, life has become more and more like an imprisonment with no exit. This is an animal world that we live in. Our life-cycle is one where the big fish eats the small one, and the small one eats the tiny shrimp. We are in the cruel reality of eating others or being eaten by others, killing others or being killed by others.

No previous era surpasses in the distinct animality of today’s mankind.

We work vehemently all year round, leaving no time to enjoy the family, to pay respects to our parents, to take care of our wives and children, to do physical exercise and most important, to have enough time to sleep at night.

All we have is junk food and an endless supply of multi-vitamin pills.

Our world is dominated by global companies that sell computers and mobile telephones. This fast lifestyle of rushing and jet-lag commuting is such an obsession. I hate flying. I fear the sensation of flying here and there in the stratosphere of the
clouds. Often the side effect is that when we eventually go to bed at night, we have to face insomnia.

Who has create this suffocating system? Why are we so intoxicated by it?

I have a dream that I am a thousand-year-old turtle facing rocks all my life, chewing fresh grasses, sucking the dew drops, breathing the fresh air, listening to the echoing sounds of a natural landscape of high mountains and flowing water with birds above singing in the air.

I will then enjoy my peace in the long hibernation period.

I shall piously immerse myself in the incense burner, to cleanse myself to any iniquitous odor in human nature with the sacred incense, and to attain
new body and soul for life.

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

sofa surfing

degustando filmes atrás de filmes.. ha qt tempo n me estirava assim
pelo sofaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...


Friday, August 03, 2007

Immigration Flux - Searching for EU Babylon

Immigration fluxes are in my opinion one of the most important aspects for the XXI century.
They are happening now and will continue, even though governments try to build barriers and sign deportation/asylum protocols.

Today I'm focusing on Occidental Africa (Marrocos, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guine-Bissau) migration scenario: the Atlantic port for EU Babylon.

It is viewed as a threat and as an opportunity for both sides. Maybe both sides with their view balanced differently in a negative correlation. I mean the country/people that are the hosts are usually afraid and negative while the courageous immigrant sees only the golden shinny Babylon.

The country that is receiving the flux:
- More people to tax and contribute to Government income (relief the so ventilated Social Security fund breakdown, caused by the bigger aging population + less youth/children born and future tax contribute) Vs Estimated crime/insecurity increase
- More people to do the work that local people don't want to do Vs. "They are taking our jobs"
- Socio-cultural diversity, learning & sharing Vs Culture contrasts & Religion conflicts and terrorist babysitting

The people who incorporate the migration stream flux:
- More opportunities to have a better life Vs. I may turn into a XXI century slave
- Run away from war and hunger Vs. Being deported and left in the desert in the middle of nowhere in a country that simple don't care how your getting back home
- I want to have what I see on TV Vs. You'll have to pay for everything and on a general basis no one will help you and take care when you need (where's the family concept and the solidarity in the day by day life in EU?)

And in between this to are the mobs and speculators who profit from both sides selling dreams for a "cheap" price, slavering and frightening the no legal documents immigrants, selling information or translation to avoid deportation, built boats to the trip for the price of 2 person ,while they sell tickets in over-capacity for 50 persons standing up, but NEVER being in it.

For me the solution is interaction.
If you want to control it or monitor it you must create structures and conditions in the countries of origin for people to stay (work, health, safety, education), but never set a side the way the receiver countries will deal with the fluxes: more than deportation they should work and try to see if they can integrate people or received or give asylum properly.

In my conversation with occidental africans I tried to paint a picture of what is for me the EU and it´s "babylons", talked about human rights, the justice system, the tax system, warned for the risks and difficulties, the cold and unhuman social relations from European society, totaly diferent from the warm african family hughs, the better salaries but the also higher cost of living.

Some reflected a litle bit about that, but most simply didn´t care: "I want to go to Europe, I want to live properly."

But what is living properly?

NOTE: 90% of the immigrants who SURVIVED and were caught by local authorities after a 8-10 day sea journey in a small boat to the Canaries Islands with more then 50 men, women and children paying average €700 per person with almost no water, no food, no clothes, no vital space and privacy, stated explicitly that they will do it again as soon as they are able to.


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Quotes from "Everything is Illuminated" - Alex Perchov, son

Alex: [Refering to the dog] This is Sammy Davis Jr. Jr... She is Grandfather's Seeing Eye bitch. Father purchased her for him not because he believes Grandfather is blind, but because a Seeing Eye bitch is also a good thing for people who pine for the opposite of loneliness. In truth, Father did not purchase her at all, but merely retrieved her from the home for forgetful dogs. Because of this, she is not a real Seeing Eye bitch, and is also mentally deranged.

Alex: I was of the opinion that the past is past, and like all that is not now it should remain burried along the side of our memories.

Alex: I have reflected many times upon our rigid search. It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us, on the inside, looking out. Like you say, inside out. Jonathan, in this way, I will always be along the side of your life. And you will always be along the side of mine.

In: "Everything is Illuminated" - Jonathan Safran Foer (novel) / Liev Schreiber (screenplay)

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