Continua. A qualquer momento está aí à tua frente... Então já estás de novo a sorrir. Tal e qual como é. Continua

Friday, April 30, 2010


Mau sabor;
sincronias de factos, anacronia dos sentidos, espaço e tempo variante;
A Vida deve continuar,
A memoria permanece solida mas os sentimentos progridem, mas nao se escolhem nem se controlam.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Just finished to read a great Comic Book: Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi

Its book (cartoon) writen by a iranian woman that lived half of her life in Iran and in Europe.

She loves her culture and country, but like all of us, there are things that we like and we don´t like so much.

Its magnificently written and the Cartoons are super (she´s from Arts) and you can have a diferent picture and opinion on Iran´s history, visions, life, culture etc.

Great Book! There´s a movie too with the same name.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Rêve-Ulocion 25 Abril

Lighter, Stronger, Alive and Smiling: There´s a feeling of rêve-ulocion without war blooming with this Spring inside.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Cinza no ar

A Terra está agora a enviar msg mais próximas do Mundo Ocidental, neste caso no Europeu.
Todos aqueles fenomenos extraordinários e fatais (sismos, cheias, ventos) até agora só tinham "tocado" aos paises em Vias de Desenvolvimento, mas agora o agora famoso vulcao da Islandia paraliza já à 5 dias as rotas aereas do norte da Europa, e com ela as rotas com o resto do mundo.
Até agora nao houve mortos, mas sim muita gente à espera nos aeroportos, outros a lucrar com os mais desesperados vendendo viagens terrestres para chegar até ao seu destino final: nao houveram excepçoes.
Veremos até quando a cinza paira no ar.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010


Life is like this: at the end of the day is the net value that counts, cycle after cycle, moment after moment

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Round Trip 29

Its the start of something...
Its the start of something...
When I get to Nothing
Want to get to Nothing
Come get your Number
Go and get your Number
Then you feel the Nothing
Then you feel the Nothing

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Thursday, April 08, 2010


reallity bites, being that on 2 or 3D
