Continua. A qualquer momento está aí à tua frente... Então já estás de novo a sorrir. Tal e qual como é. Continua

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Quotes: from Eduard Punset

Enquanto folheava uma daquelas revistas de aviao, onde te vendem todos os productos tax-free, rotas a destinos paradisiacos ou percursos e temas exoticos "how to get there", avioes, hoteis luxuosos, modernos ou exoticos  programas de pontos, o que se vai usar na proxima primavera quando ainda estas a iniciar o outono,  e anunciam que a companhia na qual voas é a melhor do mundo deparei-me com uma entrevista a uma pessoa que me pareceu cientificamente interessante, por tentar fazer a ligaçao entre ciencia e sensibilidades.
-          In "The Journey to Love", you clame we are living in the past. Please explain what you mean.


- It´s a recent contribution made by neurologists. When the brain is confronted by an external stimulus, it searches in its memory for something similar. If it doesn´t find it, the initial sensation of pleasure and calm produced by the stimulus can be transformed into the process of falling in love, since there is nothing in the archive to compare with it. But that´s not all. We´re in the past because we see the universe after the event, and in an incomplete fashion. My visual system functions in such a way that I can only see partially. Everything round the edges on what you are focusing is a blur. On top of that we have to interpret codified messages sent incorrectly by the senses, whether because of defective hearing, sight or smell.
Eduard Punset (Barcelona, 1936), Economist, lawyer, journalist is above all an inquisitive man
"Los genes determinan el potencial; y el entorno, la expresión de este potencial"

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